
Welcome to the blog page. Here's all the articles. Like the tag line for the web site says, I write about a lot of different subjects. Well, at least, when I write at all. It still haven't gotten over being disheartened by losing years and years of content to WordPress hackers. I guess I still need to work that out. In any event, here's what I've managed to slap together so far.

We live in weird times. In fact we're living in times we haven't experienced since the 15th century. Since 1450, we've lived in the Book Age, which followed the creation of the movable type printing press. But that age is over. We've entered the Information Age, and just like...

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I converted my essay from last week into a YouTube video for people who hate reading.

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In which I talk about replacing Wordpress with Grav; discover that Google is limiting monetization on my videos for some unknown reason, and wonder if it has anything to do with my politics; look ahead to playing Wolfenstein, Assassin's Creed: Origins, CoD: WWII, and Red Dead Red...

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