
Welcome to the blog page. Here's all the articles. Like the tag line for the web site says, I write about a lot of different subjects. Well, at least, when I write at all. It still haven't gotten over being disheartened by losing years and years of content to WordPress hackers. I guess I still need to work that out. In any event, here's what I've managed to slap together so far.

This is not a political web site. Nor do I want it to be. But the things that are happening in the country right now certainly have me thinking about politics. As a result of that thinking, I have some observations that I want to get off my chest.

I don't really care where you fall on the politica...

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Steve Jobs changed the world three times, by my count.

The first time was at the end of the 1970s. Prior to Steve, no one in the computer industry thought that computers were suitable for the home, or that regular people would ever want them. Sure, there were homebrew computer hobbyists, but they...

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