With this article, I offer a world-historical hypothesis about why we’re going through such turmoil. I've written this as a companion to the video presentation I linked earlier. Of course, you might not want to sit through an hour and a half of me talking—or rambling—about this. So, while this is a...
I want to continue my examination of the death of the Book Age by looking at the newspaper business model; specifically how unsuited it is for the Information Age. This old business model is killing the newspaper industry. But it also goes beyond that. Newspaper business models are one of the primar...
We live in weird times. In fact we're living in times we haven't experienced since the 15th century. Since 1450, we've lived in the Book Age, which followed the creation of the movable type printing press. But that age is over. We've entered the Information Age, and just like...
One of the most common objections---perhaps the most common objection---that religious people have towards Secularism is that, without God, there can be be no basis for morality. Essentially, this argument means that there can be no moral system that humans can create and live by that is derived f...
I was raised in a conservative, fundamentalist, Pentecostal home. My great-grandfathers were founding ministers of the Assemblies Of God Pentecostal denomination. Both of my grandfathers and one of my grandmothers was an ordained minister in it. So was my father, uncle, aunt, and, eventually, the so...
OK, this post is gonna have a lot of typos, because I’m writing it from a hospital bed at 02:00 hours, at the start of my fifth full day in the hospital. So deal with it. I'll clean it up later.
Life would be so much easier to...live, if only there seemed to be any sort of sense or rhyme to it....
I converted my essay from last week into a YouTube video for people who hate reading.
When I was a kid, my friends and I used to pass notes in class. Sometimes, to prevent the teachers from reading the notes, we used a a simple letter substitution cipher. A=Z, B=Y...you know, that sort of thing. We apparently thought that our teachers would never be able to decipher this fiendishly c...
BioWare is, perhaps more than any other game developer, famed for fantastic writing and storytelling. Games like 2003's Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR) and 2007's Mass Effect (ME1) cemented that status. Those were nearly legendary games that, while perhaps falling short in the combat/...
Electronic Arts released a public beta for Star Wars: Battlefront II this weekend, and I played it. There are some things about it that are nice. The gameplay, for example, seems solid, and the graphics—as much as you can tell with a very limited number of maps, anyway—seem nice....